How Does AirMatic System Failure Affect a Mercedes-Benz?

The AirMatic system, or suspension, enables the car to remain comfortable regardless of the conditions of the road on which it is driven. The suspension system in the Mercedes-Benz can be changed to different settings with the push of a button, using air springs that can adapt to any road instantly, effectively absorbing the impact of shocks from rough roads. This absorption is achieved by adding or removing air as the air springs move up and down.

Benefits of an AirMatic Suspension in a Mercedes-Benz

The AirMatic suspension in the Mercedes-Benz serves several purposes. One of these is to absorb the shock of driving on roads that have poor conditions. The suspension will absorb the shock and keep the passengers comfortable even when the car hits huge potholes or runs over bumps. The system also improves the safety of the car by ensuring that the wheels remain in contact with the road even in the event of a huge bump in the road, while also preventing the car from rolling within curves. This is made possible by the fact that one side of the car becomes lower than the other when going around a corner. This lowering is caused by the centrifugal force that pushes on the car in an outward direction.

Causes of AirMatic System Failure

One of the reasons why the suspension system in your Mercedes may fail is a malfunction in the air suspension compressor, which is responsible for the production of compressed air. This means if it fails, little to no compressed air is generated which will lead to low pressure and ultimately a failed suspension system.

blown fuse may also cause the suspension system to fail. The fuse engages the AirMatic system to function, so when it blows the system may fail to work completely or keep running even after it has served its purpose.

Another cause of the AirMatic System failure is leakage in the air strut. The struts are prone to wear and tear over time, and as a result they may start to leak after a while. The leaking strut will cause the car to drop on the side where the leak has occurred. Leaks may also come from the lines that carry the compressed air.

Symptoms of AirMatic System Failure

When the valves in the AirMatic system fail, you are bound to notice a few changes in your driving experience. Some of the effects associated with this failure include a glaring warning on the dashboard of the car indicating “Air Suspension Failure.” While this may sound like a simple warning, should you ignore it, an even more urgent notification will alert you to how critical the situation is by indicating that you need to “Stop Vehicle Too Low.”

This message will alert you to the car being too low and you should heed the call to take it to a shop for a specialist to look at it.

What to Do When the AirMatic Suspension System Fails

Contacting a service technician at Stress-Free Auto Care should be at the top of your to-do list in the case that the suspension system of your Mercedes-Benz starts to fail. This is because we are most likely to have the original parts that may be needed to replace what is broken. Our specialists have the expertise to diagnose and fix the suspension system efficiently. Getting help before your car stalls completely can also save you the hassle of needing to get it towed to a mechanic.


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